Reconnect with friends and faculty at Reunion 2024!

所有的校友都被邀请回到92街参加5月17日的2024年聚会 & 18, 2024! 我们将用整整两天的节目和活动来庆祝4日和9日结束的班级聚会!



RSVP for Reunion 2024



Schedule of Events


Friday, May 17

Reunion Kickoff Brunch | 12:00–1:30 p.m.

  • 和你的同学一起吃一顿休闲的早午餐,开始2024年同学会的庆祝活动!

Observe a class: Session #1 | 1:30–2:30 p.m.

  • 参观课程在较低,中等和较高的学校,体验皇冠体育app的最新学习.

1974年第50届同学聚会与校长Paul Burke圆桌会议|下午2:30-3:30.m.

  • 1974届的毕业生被邀请参加一个特别的活动,与校长Paul a一起参加圆桌会议,庆祝他们50周年的里程碑式聚会. Burke.

Observe a class: Session #2 | 2:30–3:30 p.m.

  • 参观课程在较低,中等和较高的学校,体验皇冠体育app的最新学习.

Second Century Talks: STEM | 3:30–4:30 p.m.

  • 了解皇冠体育app未来的战略愿景与我们的第二个世纪的科学讲座, technology, engineering, 高中校长Nichole Foster-Hinds在与其他教师和STEM学生的对话中谈到了数学.


  • Explore the Schoolhouse with student tour guides! Staggered start times.

Alumnae Chorus Rehearsal | 5:00–6:00 p.m.

  • 各年级的校友均可参加由演艺总监带领的校友合唱团, Michael Goede. 乐谱和练习曲目将在排练前共享. 合唱团将在校友会鸡尾酒会上与高年级室内合唱团一起表演.

All Alumnae Cocktail Reception | 6:00–8:00 p.m.

  • 参加这个节日招待会,与你的同学联系, hear the Alumnae Chorus and Upper School Chamber Chorus, take Class Photos, and celebrate the winners of the Reunion Cup! The Class of 2014 will also open their 10 year letters.

Saturday, May 18

Second Century Talks: Go Beyond Athletics Strategic Plan | 10:00–11:00 a.m.

  • 了解最近推出的体育战略计划 Go Beyond 以及体育运动和体育教育总监曼迪·塞西尔和夜鹰学生运动员对皇冠app安卓下载安装运动的变革愿景. (Updated time!)

Schoolhouse tours with student tour guides | 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

  • Explore the Schoolhouse with student tour guides!

为校友和校友孩子开放的屋顶游戏|上午11:00.m.–12:00 p.m.

  • 欢迎校友带着他们的孩子和家人加入皇冠体育app家庭,在屋顶操场上玩耍!

*Nightingale can provide childcare from 12:00-3:30 p.m. for school-aged children. 对托儿感兴趣的人必须注册,以确保预留空间.

Alumnae of Color Social | 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

  • 所有年级的有色人种校友都被邀请到一起, celebrate and engage, 通过建立和深化跨年级的联系.

Reunion Luncheon & Alumnae Award Winners | 12:00–1:30 p.m.

  • 与你的同学联系,听听校长保罗·A的意见. 请拍班级照片,并在这次侯爵聚会上庆祝女校友奖得主!

Second Century Talks: Global Education | 1:30–2:30 p.m.

  • 从项目主任Damaris Wollenburg Maclean ' 97和参加该项目的学生那里了解皇冠体育app如何在我们的“第二世纪全球教育谈话”中培养我们的学生成为世界公民. (Updated time!)

LGBTQIA+ Social | 2:30–3:30 p.m.

  • 邀请所有年级的LGBTQIA+校友齐聚一堂, celebrate and engage, 通过建立和深化跨年级的联系.


  • Explore the Schoolhouse with student tour guides!

Reunion Cup

It’s on: Join the Race for the Reunion Cup!

留尼旺杯挑战赛是一场激烈的比赛,里程碑年班级争夺皇冠体育app基金的最高参与度. 今天就做你的礼物,帮助提升你班级的地位.

2024年留尼旺杯冠军班将在17日的鸡尾酒会上公布. A gift of any size counts, 所有获奖班级的捐款者都将获得特别的皇冠体育app冠军纪念品!

Reunion Representatives

Reunion Representatives


Gail Dravneek Harvey '64
Marea Adams '74
Miffy Shipley Meacham '79
Jennifer Blum '84
Lilian Manger Fleming '84
Wendy Cramer Sanford '84
Amy Trumpeyter Seibert '84
Mary Pat Goolsbee Gotschall '89
Natasha Fekula '89
Jean Boehmler Reynolds '94
Laura Davis Stahl '94
Melissa Webb '99
Cate Megley '04
Ali Jones Thorne ‘04
Christina Bott Murphy ’09
Caroline Langan '14
Mickey Field '14
Kate Janover '14
Brooke Sanders '19
Collette Beeby-Pierre '19
Charlotte Sack '19

Alumnae Awards

Honoring Our Alumnae

At each Reunion, we honor two alumnae with these awards:

Distinguished Alumnae Achievement Award

杰出校友成就奖授予皇冠体育app-班福德学校的一位校友,她在皇冠体育app教育的基础上,在职业生涯中取得了重大成就, or for distinguished human service to her community, state, or nation.

Distinguished Alumnae Service Award


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